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[{"product":3254,"product_name":"Focus","variant_id":"5030","variant_name":"Single Bottle","variant_price":"87","product_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/Blokes-_-Joi-Focus-FRONT.webp","url":"\/product\/focus\/"},{"product":3258,"product_name":"Levels","variant_id":"5101","variant_name":"Single Bottle","variant_price":"87","product_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/Blokes-_-Joi-Level-FRONT.png","url":"\/product\/testosterone-booster\/"},{"product":3256,"product_name":"Metabolic","variant_id":"5110","variant_name":"Single Bottle","variant_price":"87","product_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/joi-metabolic-new.png","url":"\/product\/metabolic\/"},{"product":3255,"product_name":"Sleep","variant_id":"5107","variant_name":"Single Bottle","variant_price":"87","product_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/Sleep-Front-New.png","url":"\/product\/sleep\/"}]
[{"reviewer_name":"David Maus","review_text":"\"As we get older we can lose the ability to be mentally and physically sharp. To combat this I've started taking NAD+. I work closely with Blokes to ensure everything I take is right for me.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/dmaus.jpeg"},{"reviewer_name":"Eric Hinman","review_text":"\"Not only did I see my biomarkers improve, I know I'm taking exactly what my body needs for better performance and better day to day life.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/erich.jpeg"},{"reviewer_name":"CJ Finley","review_text":"\"For years I suffered behind closed doors even though I thought I was doing all the right things. It wasn't until I started working with Blokes did I start to feel better and improve my my life.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/CJ-.jpeg"}]


An easy-to-take daily capsule that stimulates your body’s own natural testosterone production. Most men experience a 1.5-2.5X testosterone boost without shutting down their body’s own testosterone production, teste shrinkage, or infertility worries.

Monthly Subscription: $199/mo, billed quarterly. Cancel any time after the initial 3-month commitment. Our enclomiphene program is considered ongoing care that includes your prescriptions, follow-up visits with licensed clinicians, quarterly hormone labs, and 1:1 service with your customer care coach.

Get Started:

In Person At Quest Or Labcorp

This is the quickest and most comprehensive method, and you'll have a professional technician draw your blood.

Most Comprehensive
See important safety information
Blokes drugs may include compounded products that have not been approved by the FDA. The FDA does not verify the safety or effectiveness of compounded drugs including compounded Enclomiphene. Blokes specialists may prescribe this medication off label from its intended use.Read More

The game changer, Enclomiphene.

An easy to take daily capsule that stimulates your body’s own natural testosterone production without needles, stinky or messy creams, pellets, or the major side effects correlated with TRT.

Most men experience 1.5-2.5X testosterone boost without teste shrinkage, shutdown, and infertility.

 $99 initial lab and consultation; $199 per month 

Buy Now
Try Enclomiphene Clinical studies all agree: medication for low testosterone just works.
*The studies referenced are for clomiphene citrate. Clomiphene is made up of two compounds: Enclomiphene and Zuclomiphene.
achieved healthy testosterone levels (Krzastek et al., 2019)
reported improvements in symptoms (Krzastek et al., 2019)
reported improvements in sexual function (Guay et al., 2003)
How it Works

1. Order your labs

Choose from the at-home hormone health kit or go in person into a Labcorp or Quest.

2. Review results

Your labs will be processed as quickly as possible from one of our partnered CLIA certified labs. What your lab results are final, we'll email you a scheduling link to review results with our clinical team.

3. Medications arrive at your doorstep

You’ll have regular check-ins with your provider and receive additional lab tests so that you can see precisely how the medication is affecting your testosterone levels while addressing your symptoms. Most patients see results in three to six months. Once medication is prescribed, all services and costs are included.

What common symptoms can be treated with Enclomiphene?
  • Low sex drive
  • Brain fog
  • Mood changes + fatigue
  • Erectile performance issues
  • Lower sperm count
  • Hair loss
  • Unwanted belly fat
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What is Enclomiphene?

If you’re diagnosed with low testosterone and experiencing symptoms, we offer alternative Enclomiphene that boosts your body’s production of testosterone versus shutting it down with an exogenous form of testosterone. This is a great step for younger men who aren’t ready for testosterone. You can get treatment without some of the side effects and inconvenience of traditional hormone replacement therapy (TRT).

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What can I expect?
  • Increased sex drive
  • Stronger erections
  • Improved mood
  • Higher energy levels
  • Better metabolism
Where can you treat?

We offer testing and treatment options for our therapies in all fifty states. If we cannot ship testosterone to your state we have other options for testosterone replacement such as clomiphene.

What time of day should I conduct my lab testing?

Measuring your total testosterone because hormone levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day and are typically highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. A morning measurement ensures that your test is providing the most favorable picture of your baseline total testosterone. If testosterone levels are low even when they’re supposed to be at their highest (in the morning), it’s much more likely that levels are truly low.

How quickly until I see results?

Most men see results in three to six months, but full optimization typically takes a year of more optimized testosterone levels and reduction of symptons. Studies in men have shown safety up to 3 years of use at 25-50 mg/d.

Do you offer more treatment options outside of injections?

 Clomiphene or Enclomiphene can be used orally.

Do I need to fast before my lab draw?

You’ll want to fast for 12 hours; coffee and water are OK.

I have another question for you.

Email us at with any more questions.

Yep, it’s that simple.

You be the boss on your testing options. We have at home testing, along with at home nurse visits, and over 2,000 fast and convenient draw stations with partnered CLIA and CAP certified labs.

Determine if you’re a candidate through blood testing and our medical providers.

Bioidentical Testosterone options in injection, cream, or troche form.

Blokes drugs may include compounded products that have not been approved by the FDA. The FDA does not verify the safety or effectiveness of compounded drugs including compounded Enclomiphene. Blokes specialists may prescribe this medication off label from its intended use.Read More
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