7 Surprising Things That Are Harming Your Hormones
Hormones are chemical messengers responsible for many body functions, from metabolism to sleep and mood. They help ...
From the moment we walk out the door in the morning to the moment we fall asleep, we are exposed to millions of environmental toxins that ravage our minds and bodies. When you think of the words “environmental toxin,” you may envision your grandpa blowing his cigarette smoke in your face or the mercury inside of a thermometer. In all actuality, though, environmental toxins are everywhere – including our cologne, clothing, drinking water, and so much more.
We can – and should – do our part to avoid exposure, but exposure itself is largely out of our control.
Free radicals are highly reactive, unstable molecules generated by environmental toxins such as cigarette smoke, pesticides, carcinogens, and more that cause oxidative damage. In other words, free radicals cause a host of diseases, including cancer, and vastly accelerate aging.
They destroy our cells from the inside out.
How can we protect ourselves against the irreparable damage free radicals cause? One word: antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemicals found in healthy foods that neutralize free radicals within the body. Think of them as hellbent hunters that exterminate free radicals and promote health and vitality.
It’s a buzz kill that we can’t completely avoid environmental toxins and their effects, but we can make health-conscious choices that can prevent and remediate the damage free radicals cause. So before you swear off the subway or airport, try these 3 ways to keep free radicals at bay.
Most fruits and vegetables especially blueberries, açaí and dark greens are powerful sources of polyphenols. Antioxidants help to decrease inflammation and fight off free radicals present in the body. With less inflammation cell turn over can be more efficient and cell develop are regenerated in a healthy manner. When a body is chronically inflamed it is dealing with oxidative stress in the immune system. This is when the body is more prone to developing diseases. Thus polyphenols can decrease oxidative stress and inflammation, which in turn decreases the risk of disease. However, eating a healthy diet will only get minimal results when inflammation has already occurred for long periods of time.
Your most youthful skin and surge of all-natural energy awaits. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how Glutathione IV Therapy can fast-track your health goals.
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