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[{"product":3254,"product_name":"Focus","variant_id":"5030","variant_name":"Single Bottle","variant_price":"87","product_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/Blokes-_-Joi-Focus-FRONT.webp","url":"\/product\/focus\/"},{"product":3258,"product_name":"Levels","variant_id":"5101","variant_name":"Single Bottle","variant_price":"87","product_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/Blokes-_-Joi-Level-FRONT.png","url":"\/product\/testosterone-booster\/"},{"product":3256,"product_name":"Metabolic","variant_id":"5110","variant_name":"Single Bottle","variant_price":"87","product_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/joi-metabolic-new.png","url":"\/product\/metabolic\/"},{"product":3255,"product_name":"Sleep","variant_id":"5107","variant_name":"Single Bottle","variant_price":"87","product_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/Sleep-Front-New.png","url":"\/product\/sleep\/"}]
[{"reviewer_name":"David Maus","review_text":"\"As we get older we can lose the ability to be mentally and physically sharp. To combat this I've started taking NAD+. I work closely with Blokes to ensure everything I take is right for me.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/dmaus.jpeg"},{"reviewer_name":"Eric Hinman","review_text":"\"Not only did I see my biomarkers improve, I know I'm taking exactly what my body needs for better performance and better day to day life.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/erich.jpeg"},{"reviewer_name":"CJ Finley","review_text":"\"For years I suffered behind closed doors even though I thought I was doing all the right things. It wasn't until I started working with Blokes did I start to feel better and improve my my life.\"","reviewer_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/03\/CJ-.jpeg"}]

The Science Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): How It Works And if It’s Right For You

By Blokes Staff
June 13, 2023

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a treatment regimen for men who suffer from testosterone deficiency or hypogonadism. This treatment helps reverse the symptoms of low testosterone. It restores this hormone in the blood back to normal levels. 

TRT has gained a lot of popularity over the past decade as millions of men have turned to this treatment to restore their testosterone levels in hopes of feeling better mentally and physically. If done right, this treatment can leave you feeling like a brand new man who has the energy levels of your younger self. But as with any treatment, there are health risks to consider before diving in head first. But, before we jump right into it, we want to address why many men avoid testosterone treatments. 

The taboo behind testosterone

Testosterone replacement therapy, supplements, boosters, or anything associated with the word “testosterone” can be a touchy subject. There is a general stigma in society today that talking about testosterone is overly macho or even toxic. 

For example, James Cameron— the director of the wildly successful Avatar and Terminator films —recently called testosterone a toxin that men must terminate from their system. Read out more on this here.

But, in reality, every man has testosterone, and naturally, some guys have lower levels than others. Taking extra testosterone isn’t as intense as it seems and it’s time to end this stigma. Let’s breakdown TRT and show how men can benefit from this treatment to better their lives.  

What is TRT?

You can get TRT at most men’s health clinics across the country. The treatment is specialized and involves months of treatment. First, doctors will take a blood sample from you, then a team of specialists will analyze your blood to determine your testosterone levels. Based on your results, you will be prescribed a treatment regimen that best suits you.

The ultimate goal of TRT is to restore testosterone levels in the body to healthy levels. With that in mind, remember that the “right” levels are different for every man and there is no universally correct amount. However, there are some key indicators that doctors look at that can help determine your healthy levels.

Pros of TRT

If you are suffering from low testosterone, taking testosterone boosters can leave you feeling like a new man. Your energy levels will make you feel like you are young again and your sex drive will be back to normal, among other benefits.      

Doctors look at the following indicators in a patient to determine if TRT is working: 

Cons of TRT

With that said, there are also some side effects of testosterone replacement therapy which are good to consider before committing to a treatment regimen prescribed to you by a men’s health clinic. We recommend consulting with a hormone specialist (MD, DO, PA, NP) before diving into TRT. 

Testosterone is a powerful steroid hormone. If it is not prescribed properly or monitored carefully, it can lead to a wide range of mental and physical issues. Which is why it is important to listen to your doctor’s advice and directions at a men’s health clinic.

Some of the major side effects seen in men using testosterone boosters are: 

  • Acne - Too much testosterone can cause acne by over-stimulating the oil glands in the face. 
  • Gynecomastia - Testosterone replacement therapy can also result in the development of fatty breasts in men, known as gynecomastia. 
  • Lower sperm count 
  • Mood swings/increased aggression 

What else to know

Taking testosterone supplements can be a healthy first step in restoring your energy levels and sex drive. However, keep in mind that a testosterone supplement is not a magic pill that will turn you into a superhero overnight. The full benefits of testosterone replacement therapy typically don’t come into effect until at least 6 months of treatment.

It’s also important to keep in mind that TRT is for men who suffer from low testosterone levels.  The American Urological Association states this as being below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl). If you are an otherwise healthy male, taking TRT will most likely not do much for you and could cause potentially harmful side effects. 

How to get started

To get started, you should consult a specialist with a background in hormone optimization to see if testosterone replacement therapy is right for you. If you don’t have access to a hormone specialist but are still interested in exploring TRT then you can also explore a men’s health clinic. In general, online men’s health clinics can cut out a lot of the stress that comes with navigating the traditional healthcare industry. 

Most places require a consultation before you start throwing money their way. From there, you will have to take the necessary steps to get prescribed. As a frame of reference, TRT can cost anywhere from $150-$300 per month depending on factors like the severity of treatment and whether your insurance covers TRT. 
On the off chance that your insurance does not cover TRT, our clinic here at Blokes accepts 100% cash and is priced so that insurance is not necessary. To learn more, schedule an online consultation and conduct the necessary testosterone tests before making a decision. This way, you can learn more about low T, what might be causing it, and how different treatments could work for you.

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